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The ASE New Website
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Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) launched last week a new website in English language. The Chief Executive Officer of Amman Stock Exchange, Jalil Tarif said that the new website is based on a dynamic design to enhance interaction with website users. The advanced technology used in the new website provides an easy, smart, and advanced search for the information of a particular company by using its symbol or just a part of its name. This technology will help improve the efficiency of search engines which will help a swift and smooth access to information while searching all the website contents. Using Flash technology, graphics were developed in a way to enable users to customize their charts according to historical data and for several intervals.
With this new website, users can watch the top gainers companies as well as the top losers live during the trading session. They can obtain the daily summary at the end of the trading session either in the form of a table or in a written text.
Daily, weekly, monthly and annual trading bulletins since 2001 can be obtained using this new website. Users are able to customize the trading bulletins for any interval they need. Users can now personalize the website by creating their own windows to store the information they want to show on such windows in order to to retrieve such information each time they visit the website.
Tarif added that developing the archiving system of the ASE has been completed with a modern design and using a software called eZpublish. This software is used in several leading and major institutions operating in several industries worldwide. The new system provides a new advanced method to search for the required documents. Users will be able now to do the search for historical information and data available at the ASE since 2001 in an easy, smooth and fast manner.
The new archiving system helps in uploading documents and information submitted by brokerage firms and public shareholding companies automatically whether received in a soft or a hard copy; or via email or fax. This reduces the risk of losing information when uploading and archiving information manually. Coding and saving such documents will be done automatically. The information, data, and documents in the new archiving system are made available in the ASE website. Thus, investors can have such information historically.
It is worth mentioning that the ASE is in the process of developing the Arabic version of this new website which should be completed soon. However, you can visit the English version of the new website using the link or through the window designed for the new website and available at the current website Visitors of the website can inform the ASE with any comments and remarks in relation with the new website to be taken into consideration when approving the final version of the new website.
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